For best results please create a help desk account first. Keep in mind the account created for the help desk is different than your Olantica avatar account. You may also submit a ticket as a guest.
You will need to log in to create or view your existing tickets. Links to either register or log in are on the left side of this page and at the bottom of this page.Please DO NOT use the login link in the menu at the top of the page, this is for managing your avatar only.
Click the “+ Create a New Ticket” button to open a new ticket.
If you submitted the ticket through your help desk account, you will need to be logged in to see any replies. Once logged in your tickets will be listed below.
If you don’t wish to sign up for a help desk account, you may submit a ticket as a guest. Add an email address to the email address field and click “Submit”
Click the “+ Create a New Ticket” button to open a new ticket.
To see any replies you will need to enter the same email address you used to create the ticket. Enter the email address and click submit, your tickets will be listed below.
Please make sure you fill out all fields before submitting the ticket or the ticket will not get to the help desk. If you don’t see the ticket added to this page then something went wrong and you will need to try again.
Tickets that have not been responded to within a month will be deleted.
Now that we got that out of the way, How can we help?